Hope and Healing for Women

I Help women struggling with mental health, medical, parenting, and phase-of-life issues. I welcome women ages 22+ to my teletherapy practice in Massachusetts.

I am accepting new clients and and accept out of network benefits Fee information available by phone.

Dr. Karen Carlson

You’re a competent, hard-working woman facing challenges that feel overwhelming. You may be confused and anxious. Little things are becoming more difficult and your reactions to situations feel “off”. On some days you’re not really sure what you need or what to do in order to feel more peaceful ,fulfilled, and well. You’ve become depleted trying to “do it all” and be all things to all people. The pressures of work and family are wearing you down. You wake up exhausted from restless sleep or the sheer pressure of what you face on a daily basis. You keep busy in order to avoid emotional pain, but you are getting more depressed and anxious by the day. You find it very hard to take care of yourself and you feel guilty about that too. Lately, the sadness, anxiety and confusion have become more than you can bear. You feel alone and tired. You have significant concerns about your mental health, or may have had mental health issues for a long time. You need help sorting out what is happening with you now, and create a path toward wellness, wholeness, peace, hope, and excitement about the future.

I help busy, motivated women heal from past events, manage or reduce mental health symptoms or physical pain, explore next steps, determine priorities, improve relationships, and build sustainable and “doable” wellness and coping strategies. Women who work with me desire true change and deep healing. They are willing to explore themselves deeply and take the risks necessary to transform their lives.

You may also have parenting issues that are causing exhaustion and emotional distress. Perhaps your child is moving from one stage to another and there is increased conflict. As your child grows, you are not sure how to help them, leading to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety. You might have just received a mental health or developmental diagnosis for your child are experiencing feelings of grief, loss, and sadness. You feel isolated, ineffective and alone. Your child’s birth or developmental changes and milestones are triggering your own childhood traumas. You compare yourself and your children negatively to others. Parenting can lead to lack of self care and life balance. How do other mothers do all of this and still get to the gym?

Moms who work with me learn effective parenting strategies that work in their unique situation. Some may come to understand the “new normal.” They come to understand how parenting struggles can lead to amazing personal growth and transformation.

Movement through life phases offers the excitement of new opportunities and the difficulties of dealing with change. You just graduated college and not sure what steps to take next. Or you are adjusting to being partnered. As a new parent, you are not sure what having children means for you and your life as a whole. Perhaps you are switching or wanting to switch careers and are anxious and confused. Maybe you have just retired or are considering retirement. You have just received a new medical diagnosis or experience a medical trauma. Your child is moving out and you are faced with an empty nest. Your own parent is aging and needs your help. These shifts in life happen right in the middle of our daily duties and concerns. In the midst of change, you feel different, a bit on edge, and you may not understand why. Changes are happening and you feel anxious, confused, out of control, and conflicted about your feelings. You may need to make a big change and are scared to death about what that means or will lead to.

Whatever is going on in your life, I want you to live with greater ease, peace and hope. I want you to suffer less, identify your life goals and values, balance life demands with your mental and physical health, and develop a positive and courageous outlook on the future. Life is messy, but it does not have to be painful.

I am ready to help you develop a life of health, wholeness, and hope. It is a courageous step to reach out for help. Call me now to schedule a free 15-minute consultation and get started on your healing journey.